Dil Roberts Photography

Olympus mZD 75-300 II
Voigtlaender Nokton 40 f1.4
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N V
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N VII
Light is what's it all about.
Summer II
Super Bike
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 on the Nex-5N III
Voigtlaender Skopar 50 f2.5 IV
Sigma 19 f2.8 for Nex IV

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Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN

Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN

This was pretty amazing. It just stood in the middle of the path, not frightened by any of the passers-by and there were quite a few.

Focal Length: 60 mm
Aperture: f/4.0
Exposure Time: 1/640 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 06/23/16 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1334
• Olympus • E-M10 • Sigma • 60 f2.8 

Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN

Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN


Focal Length: 60 mm
Aperture: f/2.8
Exposure Time: 1/20 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 06/22/16 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1284
• Olympus • E-M10 • Sigma • 60 f2.8 

Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN

Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN


Focal Length: 60 mm
Aperture: f/2.8
Exposure Time: 1/125 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 06/21/16 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1294
• Olympus • E-M10 • Sigma • 60 f2.8 

Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN

Olympus E-M10 - Sigma 60 f2.8 DN

An excellent lens for the price. Actually it's very cheap.

Focal Length: 60 mm
Aperture: f/4.0
Exposure Time: 1/20 sec
ISO: 200
Dil 06/20/16 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1297
• Olympus • E-M10 • Sigma • 60 f2.8 

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

The same applies to the above image, the more I look at it the more I like it. That doesn't mean there wasn't a lot done in post to get it to look like it is above.

This is the last image from the Sigma 28 f2.8 for the present but I will be coming back to it in my conclusions for the 28mm lenses.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/320 sec
ISO: 100
Dil 02/22/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1306
• Sony • Nex-5N • Sigma • 28 f2.8 

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

To be honest, if I leave images that I've processed and come back to them after a couple of weeks, I get a completely different feel for the images. The same has happened to these images from the Sigma 28 f2.8. They look better and better the more I look at them now. After I'd processed tham I really didn't think much about the image quality, but when looking again at the above image I quite like it.
Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/400 sec
ISO: 100
Dil 02/21/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1081
• Sony • Nex-5N • Sigma • 28 f2.8 

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

This is a lens that I haven't seen too often in shops or offered on ebay (in Germany anyway) but it's turned out to be an ok lens. It handles nicely and the focusing ring is nicely damped. It has a metal mount and the lens is quite hefty when on the Nex-5N.

Images lack contrast and like all Sigma lenses that I've tried (including their modern lenses) has a slight yellow tint to them. Easily corrected in post of course but it's still an extra step to go through. They sharpen nicely in post and the finished images don't look too bad. It's quite probable that quality variation can be expected when purchasing these lenses so make sure you test it thoroughly.

The image above is typical of my minimalistic phases I get from time to time. The metal barrier was quite close and as you can see the lens did quite well at close focusing distances.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/80 sec
ISO: 100
Dil 02/20/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1287
• Sony • Nex-5N • Sigma • 28 f2.8 

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

Sony Nex-5N - Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8

The first focal length I wanted to sort out were my 28mm lenses (35mm=42mm on the Nex system) which may not be an optimal focal  length for many. It's not a medium wide like a 35mm or a normal focal length of 50mm. It's a middle thing like the Panasonic 20 f1.7 on the m4/3 system. I have my problems with that lens and that could be the reason I don't use it all that much. I prefer the Panasonic 25 f1.4 which gives me a normal (AOV) focal length of 50mm.

I must admit I have accumulated quite a number of these lenses and it's only now that I've actually got around to assessing them all. I bought these on ebay as offers came along that I thought reasonable (i.e. low price) and I just couldn't pass up on them. Such offers don't come along very often and I can always put them up on ebay again with very little, if any, financial loss.

The contenders here are:

  1. Nikon 28 f2.8
  2. Olympus OM 28 f2.8
  3. Vivitar 28 f2.8
  4. Sigma Mini-Wide II 28 f2.8
  5. Pentax M Takumar 28 f2.8
What I still have to test are the:

  1. Canon FD 28 f2.8
  2. Konica Hexanon AR 28 f3.5
I know the Konica isn't f2.8 but most of my testing is done at f8 as my aim is sharpness throughout the image. The last two lenses might take a little time to test as I'll be recovering from surgery for some weeks and walking some distance is not an option for me. I'll be very restricted but it's something that has to be fixed, and quick.

So the coming posts will be dedicated to some 28mm images from all the lenses mentioned above (apart from the last two) and I'll be posting the lens that came out on top. Some images from the Pentax have already been posted so I'll be missing those out. If you want to see some images from the Pentax 28mm, just do a search and they'll be displayed for you.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: f/1.0
Exposure Time: 1/200 sec
ISO: 100
Dil 02/19/14 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1090
• Sony • Nex-5N • Sigma • 28 f2.8 

Sony Nex-7 - Sigma 60 f2.8

Sony Nex-7 - Sigma 60 f2.8

Just another little compilation from the Sigma 60 f2.8. These are just snaps I took on a little walk a week or so ago and I'm even more impressed now than I was with this lens. The Nex cameras aren't really known to be fast focusing cameras so it doesn't matter what lens you put on it, it's not going to speed the camera up in that area. I can't really tell you what the focusing speed is on m4/3 cameras but I should imagine it's a little faster than the Nex.

I won't be purchasing these lenses for the m4/3 system since I have the Olympus 12, 45 and 60 macro for that format which are really fast and sharp lenses. They cost more than the Sigma lenses but they really shine on the m4/3 cameras. If these Sigma lenses had been out before I purchased the m4/3 lenses, I'm sure I would have purchased the Sigma lenses because there is quite a difference in price.

Focal Length: unknown
Aperture: unknown
Exposure Time: unknown
ISO: unknown
Dil 10/27/13 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1307
• Sony • Sigma • 60 f2.8 • Nex-7 

Sigma 30 f2.8 for Nex IX

Sigma 30 f2.8 for Nex IX

This is the last of the Sigma 30 f2.8 posts for the moment. If you're intersested in some more images from this lens then there's a small gallery here. I had a great time testing the 19 f2.8 and the 30 f2.8 around Frankfurt. Great weather and a great little walk. I must do more of it when time permits.

Focal Length: 30 mm
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 1/640 sec
ISO: 100
Dil 07/20/12 19:00     comments (0)
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 Viewed 1948
• Sigma • Sony • 30 f2.8 • Nex-5N 

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